Dual Immersion Academy
As part of our efforts to improve and educate the local community, we have partnered with the Dual Immersion Academy (DIA) in Glendale to provide educational programming to 4th graders. The DIA is a majority-Hispanic bilingual school located 20 minutes from campus. Biweekly, our chapter teaches them an engineering discipline through a fun STEM activity. This helps the students develop their problem-solving skills while exposing them to the amazing careers in engineering.
As part of our efforts to improve and educate the local community, we have partnered with the Dual Immersion Academy (DIA) in Glendale to provide educational programming to 4th graders. The DIA is a majority-Hispanic bilingual school located 20 minutes from campus. Biweekly, our chapter teaches them an engineering discipline through a fun STEM activity. This helps the students develop their problem-solving skills while exposing them to the amazing careers in engineering.
First General Meeting
Our first general meeting of fall semester, 2018!
Our first general meeting of fall semester, 2018!
LinkedIn Workshop
With the help of Ana from the Career and Professional Development Center, we all learned how to effectively use LinkedIn to manage our professional networks and how to use the platform as an effective tool for job searching.
With the help of Ana from the Career and Professional Development Center, we all learned how to effectively use LinkedIn to manage our professional networks and how to use the platform as an effective tool for job searching.
Google Fiber Professional Development Event
Our chapter got the opportunity to visit the Google Fiber office space in downtown Salt Lake City to speak with Google employees about their careers. The employees held positions in a variety of roles at the company, ranging from computational neuroscientists to human resource managers. We learned a whole lot and thank Google Fiber for hosting us.
Our chapter got the opportunity to visit the Google Fiber office space in downtown Salt Lake City to speak with Google employees about their careers. The employees held positions in a variety of roles at the company, ranging from computational neuroscientists to human resource managers. We learned a whole lot and thank Google Fiber for hosting us.
Resume Review Workshop
With the help of Megan Randall-an engineering career coach- we had the opportunity to greatly improve our resumes for the national convention the following week.
With the help of Megan Randall-an engineering career coach- we had the opportunity to greatly improve our resumes for the national convention the following week.